Sunday, August 24, 2008

This 'N That

We were invited to our nephew Parker's mission call "opening". He has been called to serve in the Ukraine Donesk mission. He reports on Nov. 5th. There weren't many dry eyes. This makes 2 nephews for us to go to the Ukraine. Cool!

Well, another week has passed. We started our testing at work. The first day we were spending about 30 minutes per child. That was way too long! Somehow we managed to pick it up so we only were spending about 15-20 minutes per child by the end of the week. This coming week, we are testing the Kindergarten, Pre-Kindergarten and 1st grades. The Pre-K and K should prove to be interesting. They will either take a lot longer because they know some things or they will go really fast because they know nothing.

I was reading the new Ensign this morning. It is always so uplifting. There were so many articles that touched my spirit this morning. Some of them were: "My Father, My Hero" pg. 16; "Toothpaste on the Mirror", pg. 23; "I Do My Part, and God Does the Rest", pg. 52; and the Latter-Day Saint Voices, on pg. 68. They are all good, but these are the ones that touched me the most this morning. Maybe tomorrow others with touch me more. If you have the Ensign and haven't read it, do it.

I'm going to have to come up with a way to be in closer contact with my dad. Things aren't really getting much better for him. He just wants to go. He is so lonely. I try to call him regularly, but he needs more distractions. I don't get out to see him as often as I guess I should. With me working and our car situation, it isn't easy to get out there. I wish my children would make an effort to visit him (hint, hint).

We got Michael enrolled in MCC. He is in an advanced welding class. It is a 5 credit hour course. He has lecture on Monday nights and lab on Wednesday nights. Each are 4 hours long. It sure does cost a bundle for college now a days! He doesn't qualify for any "grants". Probably because he is a white male. Don't get me started on that!

I have been trying to catch up on some of my scrapbooking. I put a page together yesterday that was from my July Totally T class. I actually put a picture on it! Amazing! I like it enough that I am going to make another to match it because I have other pictures to go with the first.

Well, I guess I've rambled enough for this time. Until later...


Jeremy said...

Well, I didn't realize grandpa was just wanting to go... you need to take him camping then... hehe...

Oh and I have a different understanding of grants... a lot are first come first serve so if he has been told he doesn't qualify it is probably for the grants that are leftover. He needs to apply waaaay ahead of time!

scrappiemom said...

Yeah, he didn't even tell us he wanted to go to school until about 2 days before graduation.

Leslie said...

I gave you a bloggy award, come visit my blog to pick it up!!