Friday, August 8, 2008

Tag, I'm It. Tag, You're It!

Well, I was tagged about a week ago by Sarah and I am just now getting around to do it.

Rules:Each player answers the questions themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answers.

The Five:

Ten years ago…

1. I was recovering from 3 weddings in 7 months.
2. I was about to start working at Kino Jr. High School.
3. I was sweltering in the heat.
4. I was about to be a grandmother for the 1st time.
5. I was getting around much easier than now!

Five things on today’s “to do” list...

1. Get new printer. (done)
2. Get new cell phone for my dad.(done)
3. Get new cable for the PS2.(done)
4. Pick up prescription at Walmart.(done)
5. Figure out what's for dinner.

Five snacks I enjoy...

1. Hard boiled eggs.
2. Cheez-its.
3. Sunflower seeds.
4. Anything chocolate.
5. Fresh fruit or veggies.

Five things I would do if I was a millionaire…

1. Buy a house.
2. Pay off debt.
3. Buy a couple new cars.
4. Put a bunch into savings.
5. Travel and go on a mission.

Five places I have lived…

1 E. Palm Lane in Phoenix, AZ.
2. Euclid St. in Lawton, OK.
3. N. 35th St in Phoenix, AZ.
4. E. Bruce in Gilbert, AZ.
5. N. Summr St in Mesa, AZ.

So I tag:

My son, Jeremy
My son-in-law, Josiah
My neice, Becky
My neice-in-law, Rachel
My granddaughter, Rylie


Leslie said...

10 years ago seemed to have gone really fast...hasnt it? It's crazy...!!

And I agree on your millionare things but I am not sure about the mission part...maybe someday but not right now.

And I forget, why did you live in OK?

Becky said...

Sounds fun! I'll try and get it done tonight or tomorrow.

I didn't know you lived in Oklahoma?!

Fun list...

scrappiemom said...

We were in Oklahoma for 3 months for specialized training in the Army National Guard. We had an address and that's about all we had. We went right after we got married.

Jeremy said...

I am breaking the chain tagging... I hope that means I get bad luck... Because I do well with bad luck