Here are a couple of pictures that Tanya took after they took out my stitches. It looks more like I was trying my hand (literally) at redneck fishing! By the way, the blue/purple marks are where the doctor marked on me in ink BEFORE surgery so he could get it right. Now I have a bright green fiberglass cast on for the next 4 weeks. Sound like fun? I only hope that it is worth it when it's all over. Tanya and I both thought my hand looked my mother's after they took off the dressing. Kind of made me sad.Work was a little difficult this week. My hand swells a lot from all my movement. I have t take it easy at home, elevate it. I get bored easily because there isn't alot I can do without both hands.
Well, I am tired of my lame typing so, til later...
Well, before I read the post, I examined the pictures and my first thought was the same...that it looks like grandma's hand. But it's ok cuz we all loved grandma!
Hope you're having a great day!
Love you, mom!
I disagree - My first impression was Frankenstein...Wow - that looks like it hurts a whole lot!
Sorry that you can't do stuff - did you know you can check out books-on-tape from the library..ONLINE!!! Yeah, it's totally cool. You can listen to them from your computer...I don't know if you can download them to an MP3 or not....
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