Monday, February 2, 2009

New Calling

A week ago this past Saturday, Bro. Martinsen (of our Bishopric) called me. We were in Cave Creek and when I got his message, I didn't think he would want me to call him back at 11:00 p.m. I thought I would just talk to him at church the next morning. He was sick and not there. So, I thought I would call him during the week or he would call me back. Neither happened. So, I thought I would speak to him yesterday. They were in Show Low for a baby blessing. I had already figured out that he was over YW and RS. YW scares the you know what out of me. RS is not a whole lot better. Anyway, so I am sitting in RS just minding my own business when the OTHER counselor calls me out. He presented me with the calling. I have been called to be a RS teacher (again). I don't know which lesson I will be giving yet. Last time I did the 4th Sunday lessons. While it takes me completely out of my "comfort zone", I really enjoy teaching RS. I learn so much because I have to do so much preparation. Hopefully I won't be teaching the 2nd Sunday lessons because I want more time to prepare. This Sunday is the 2nd Sunday!

Today was pretty stressful at work. We are doing the progress monitoring of the strategic kids. Ours rules changed with every class. If we had been able to do them the way we wanted, we could have had all of it done today. Unfortunately, we don't make the big bucks and therefore we don't get to make the decisions. Oh, well. Hopefully we will be done tomorrow.

Well, that's it for now. Until later....


music lady said...

I loved teaching RS, but music has become my "resting place" so to speak they don't want to let me go, not yet anyway. It seemed with all the other callings I have ever had, I was always doing music too.
Best wishes with teaching. I love those lessons.

Sarah said...

I may have to ditch our ward a time or two so I can come and listen to your lessons. You will do an awesome job! Love you, mom!


PS-Hope you have a great day!