Sunday, January 11, 2009

Number 14

Well, it has finally been publicly announced that grandbaby number 14 is on it's way. I found out (unofficially) last Saturday (Jan. 3). Now that they have gone public, I can tell everyone. Christopher and Jill are the parents to be. This will make their 5th child. They already have 3 girls, so we are hoping for a boy. Number wise, I would rather it be a girl. Then our count would be even and you know how I am about even numbers. But, for Sam's sake, I hope it's a boy.

We have a special stake conference next Sunday. They announced at Church today that Elder Bednar will be the speaker. They also told us to get there early if we want a good seat! I hope we can get there early enough!

This past week was a long difficult one for me. I went back to work which in and of itself was terrible! But, the father of the person I carpool with passed away and she didn't go to work all week (mostly because she was also very sick!). So, I had to arrange other transportation. With Roger, Tanya and Michael all working, it wasn't easy. Tanya took me most mornings even after she had worked a 12 hour shift. I was only late one morning since Michael had a root canal on Wednesday and his mouth hurt too much for him to go to work on Thursday. Roger has Fridays off now so that wasn't a problem. Michael picked me up most days.

I will be glad to be back to normal this week. Although, normal isn't the correct term since it is parent teacher conferences this week, so I will be getting off early all week. Maybe I can get some things done here at home?

Well, I better go. 3:30 comes early for me. Till later...


Sarah said...

Since when has dad had Fridays off? Is this a permanent thing? And is he working another day to make up for it? Why am I not in the know? :(

Sorry your week was so...not good. I wish I could have been helpful in some way. I guess taking that kitten home after seeing that the 2 weren't going to get along was helpful, huh? In a way, maybe?

Anyway, you can call me instead of responding here. I'm terrible about checking back for answers once I've asked questions.

Hope your day/week goes better.

Love you!

Leslie said...

Well, Sarah shouldn't feel to bad because I am further out of the loop!! But I guess that is to be expected since I am just an In-Law.

I hope you have a better week!!